beaver lodges

A "Dam" good trail in Algonquin Park

Located in Ontario’s largest part – Algonquin Provincial Park is a short, fairly simple hiking trail. This hiking trail follows what would normally have been grassland.

The grasslands have been transformed into a lake and river. These land changes have not been done by machines, but by beavers!

Following adventurer Wolfmaan, this short shows first hand how these industrious creatures can transform the landscape.

Wolfmaan explains how the beaver Lodge is a home and food storage area for beavers. Followed by visiting a beaver dam which lay beside the trail.



65 thoughts on “A "Dam" good trail in Algonquin Park

  1. [..YouTube..] Hectare? lost me their had to look that one up never heard of it, Arces I know. That is one huge park. Great video, beavers are amazing creatures. Love the large pine tree and the boulder, very cool.

  2. [..YouTube..] Hectare? lost me their had to look that one up never heard of it, Arces I know. That is one huge park. Great video, beavers are amazing creatures. Love the large pine tree and the boulder, very cool.

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