Bruce Trail Hike December 25, 2006

Monday, December 25 – 2006

09:45 – 13:00
Roads: Dry / Clear
Visbility: 24km
Temp: 12C
Area: Niagara
Vehicle: Suburban REBMA
Weather: Overcast
Trail Conditions: wet / muddy
Hikers: Wolf, Tori, Merlin, Morgana, Lupis
Plan: Pick up where we left off at the last hike. Walk up-hill on four mile creek road and cross towards firemans park.

09:45 Arrive on Four mile Creek road. Leave for trails.

09:48 Part way in to the trail we saw what appeared to be a section of the trail washed away. Upon closer inspection, a large black pipe had been excavated and exposed. We hiked past the large depression and onward through the trail which ran parallel to a set of train-tracks. The trail had several deep mud depressions which were filled with water. Eventually we came to a road where a silver Dodge Durango and several people with three golden labs. We went past them and down a set of cement stairs. Turning right we went around part of a large fish pond and back into the woods. Several hills and valleys later we came across a wooden bridge where we sat and relaxed as well as caught up on our logsheet. We have no timepeice to see what time it is. There was a male and female cardinal in the trees ahead of us. We watched them and when they flew off continued our journey. We decided to head back to the truck when we came to the Werner road intersection. Heading back we came across a small cave opening, but it was only about 2m deep. When we got back to firemans park we stopped to rest at the parking lot. The hike back to the truck from the parking lot went quickly. We all felt tired.

12:50 Returning to the truck, we loaded the dogs in and completed our notebook. Tori wore her teva sandals, old black pants and a santa-fe style fleece shirt and hiking jacket. Her ankle was wrapped with a blue elastic bandage for support. Wolf wore steel toed polypropylene birkenstock shoes with thick socks, camouflage pants, a fleece beige shirt, hiking jacket and ski-mask The hike was long but very rewarding on this Christmas day. We can’t wait to pick up where we left off.

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